Wednesday, May 4, 2011


...this blog and others like it I have started have all come from the simple facts that 1.) I love to cook and 2.) I love even more to talk about cooking.

Home Sliced was thought up last night when I realized that I wanted to talk about the dish I had made for dinner, it contained brown mushrooms, broccoli, and parmesan crusted shrimp in a creamy sauce served with rice noodles.....It was yummy and an experiment for being the blogger that I am I immediately thought about how much I would like to talk about what it is I had done and share with the world my new favorite spice: turmeric!  I was rather surprised when rummaging through the spice cabinet trying to find something to make the sauce a little special.  I chose turmeric as I recently purchased it for an outstanding recipe for meatballs (click here for recipe!) and remembered a friend who mentioned on Facebook that it was a terrible thing to run out of there I was unscrewing the jar to this rusty colored looking my mind I was thinking that it would have an earthy robust flavor much like a curry or cinnamon, but no it is fresh smelling like mint or something of the like.....I was pleasantly surprised and thought that a hint of turmeric would be a nice addition to my 1980s housewife sauce for the dish.  I refer to it as a 1980s housewife sauce as I started with 1/2 jar of alfredo sauce and added to it...

I started by sauteing up a white onion in olive oil with garlic, seasoned salt, and red pepper flakes....then added mushrooms, then added broccoli and turned down the heat, placed a lid on top to let the broccoli steam....then I added a cup of water to get all that flavor off of the bottom of the pan.  Then I took the 1/2 jar of alfredo and mixed it in - this was a good time to turn the burner down to about 2.....I then realized that too much of the alfredo sauce wanted to stay in the jar, so I 1/2 filled it with milk and shook it like there was no tomorrow!  After adding the milk to the rest of the sauce I was worried about things not binding together and developing into a smooth creamy non-lumpy I added what a 1950s housewife would add to make it better - BUTTER....not too much just a couple of tablespoons.....while this was happening I got some water boiling for the rice noodles (these are great as they take little time and are nice and light) and a pan going for the shrimp.  I added olive oil to the pan and some minced garlic and by some I mean A LOT of garlic - enough to completely cover the bottom of the pan (it was a small one) and let it get to a point where just a few of the pieces of garlic were starting to brown, then I added the shrimp, turned once and topped with parmesan cheese......
When the noodles were cooked I added them right to the sauce and gave it a few tosses to get all the saucy goodness into the noodles.  I served the shrimp on top.  I didn't want to add the shrimp directly to the dish and mix it in as I feared that the shrimp would cook more and end up rubbery.....

All in all it was a good dinner....I am most happy that now I have an outlet to discuss whatever concoction comes from the kitchen of this 1950s housewife!

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