Monday, July 11, 2011

Do What You Love So That You Can Love What You Do....

....I think it was my Papa who first mentioned this crazy simple, yet how true that that is what we should all do....of course in some instances we are forced to do things we do not love.....that's I plan to combine a few of my loves.....talking and cooking.....without actually having to have any human contact with another person....the recluse in me loves this medium to be able to communicate.....another side makes we want to take this on the road.....

Below is a dinner that has gotten me out of the rut....(read about the sides on my blog: Donna Reed's Dollar Menu)

  Before this, I have to admit that I was not really being mindful of what was happening in my kitchen......the pleasures of the past seemed like a distant memory and for some odd reason I was propelled to get back in an apron and do what I love to do....

  The rack of lamb was simply sublime.....I know that many people have moral issues around eating lamb.....I am not one of these people.....I freakin' love is so decadent and delicious.....I have to admit that I have had few encounters with the meat.....I appreciate it none the less.....when I was a child I remember visiting my Nanny and Papa in Florida and her making what was to be the first rack of lamb I would ever eat....she topped it with a homemade mint was love at first taste!
  Last year I was given a gift certificate to Risibisi in Petaluma and had one of the best meals of my guessed it: rack of lamb!  (on a side note I also had their creme brulee for dessert and it was outstanding!!!)  Thank you twenty-ten AcDec'ers!

  So there I was about to make my first rack of lamb....I was thinking about making a mint sauce as I had some freshly picked from the garden....instead I ended up using all the mint in the mojitos so I had to improvise with the lamb....I made a rosemary butter....the rosemary was from the garden as well and crushed in the mortar and was fun!  I pan fried the rack - when cutting it up it was a little more rare then I was looking I continued carving and then quickly pan seared the individual literally melted in my mouth.....looking forward to the next special occasion to celebrate to I can make another rack!

  Of course if you are going to go to the trouble of making a rack of lamb and zucchini canoes, you better make darn sure you have got some sort of dessert to follow.....after all if you are going to do something you might as well do it right!

  Read about this lemon tart on my other blog: Apron Worthy!


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