Saturday, July 30, 2011

My First Mystery Box Challenge

Yes, so apparently I am just as obsessed with MasterChef as the next one....I really don't see anything wrong with that as thanks to I can watch it whenever I want to....and as many times as I want with this modern advancement of technology I am no longer a slave to my TV.....actually I don't even own one of the best things I ever did.

Again, I am on a tangent.....OK so all the MasterChef watching has gotten me to thinking that it might be fun to create my own version of a "mystery box challenge"......although there really isn't the same challenge as I have as much time as I want.....and I can't get voted out of the kitchen!

So here's what I had:

  Sweet potatoes (yams as some people call them), carrots, fava beans (this is the first time I have ever used a fava.....more on this later...they are amazing!), broccoli, brown mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, roma tomato, and 1/2 red pepper.....I ended up using everything except for the carrots and the sweet potatoes.....they are awaiting their fate as sweet potato fries and maybe some curried carrots.....I thought that would be a great use of them along with some grilled burgers!  Hello summer.....the best part of having a back yard is being able to grill out.....never in my life since moving out of my parents house have I been afforded the opportunity to be able to's the little things that make me happy.

OK, on to the dishes.....

  This main meals is where most of the mystery box ended up....I also had a leftover pork roast.....but who wants to have pictured a day old cold half cut up pork roast wrapped in aluminum foil....not this one!  So I left it out....but I do have to say that the above pictured is one of the best things I have done with a left over pork roast....hands down, this was top drawer!

  I started by sauteing a white onion (oh shit, I guess this was not in the mystery box either....I could never be on MasterChef) and the mushrooms.....I of course did this over some extra virgin olive oil and my favorite three seasonings: garlic powder, seasoned salt, and red pepper my dreams it would be bottled and sold in stores....Donna Reed's Secret Seasoning.....

  After the onion and mushrooms are nicely browned I added in the pork....I just sliced it was nice bits size pieces....I was happy to have disposable rubber gloves for this as at one point I was literally tearing the flesh of some poor pig right off the bone.....I felt rather savage as I heard the tearing of the meat....ahhh to be a neanderthal.

  It then appeared to me that this dish needed some sort of sauce.....seeing as though it was already a four burner night I decided to investigate the fridge and see what kind of condiment we might have available.....we have a fridge that is at least 80% condiments....I wouldn't have it any other way!  I ended up deciding on the last 1/3 of a bottle of Trader Joe's sauce.....I ended up also adding some water....I always feel it is needed to rinse out the jar anyway before it goes into recycling, so instead of wasting it....I throw it in the pan.....then I diced up the last of the red pepper in small squares.....and added the broccoli on top, then I turned down the heat and put the lid idea was to steam the broccoli....I guess I needed that water after all.....steaming it for 3 minutes is perfect...I like my broccoli a little underdone....and 3 minutes is how long it takes to cook the pictured pasta!  Hello perfect timing...

  The pasta is from a local United Market...the best grocery store I have come across in these parts....I love that it is local, delicious, clean, and actually teaches me something....sometimes I go in and read about all the cheeses....I love that they have descriptions and makes me think about the fairy tale behind a creamy brie.....I could go on and on.....what can I say.....I freaking love cheese!

  The noodles are a spicy sesame linguine...and I have to tell you they are freaking fantastic!  I got a pot of salted water boiling and then after probably 2.5 minutes....again a little under done....I scooped them out and added them to the pan and mixed it around with the veggies....every time I cook pasta I always like to finish it off in the pan with the sauce.....I find it just infuses such a great me the dish is more complete....which is odd as I grew up with pasta and sauce always being served separately....always.  At any rate, it was delicious!


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