Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mom's Coffee Cake Recipe

It is interesting the memories that we have surrounding the sounds, smells, and of course sights of cooking and baking from when we were children.....I have never made my mom's coffee cake recipe before but I know I have always loved I was baking it in the oven last night the smell of brown sugar and cinnamon melting into a rich moist batter filled the air........I was reminded of a time when my mom would have a few of her friends over to watch Dallas we got off to bed the sweet smell of cinnamon would fill the house.  Of course, I can still remember laying in bed as a child hearing the theme song and laughter of women....the coffee was on and the chatter was always fun to try and make out what they were saying.....of course until the show came on....I always knew when the commercials were over as silence would fall....and soon I would be off to dream land.....

  What makes this coffee cake kind of special is the fact that I have the same pan my mom used to bake her coffee cake in!  I love old kitchen tools....but I have to admit that although this sweet treat is mom makes it way better!  Check out the recipe on my blog about baking: Apron Worthy

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